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Charged with Assault in Ontario? — Here’s Your Comprehensive Guide

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An assault charge in Ontario can impact your freedom, reputation, and future. Whether it's a simple misunderstanding or a serious accusation, understanding what happens next — and how to protect yourself — is critical.

The skilled criminal defence lawyers of Toronto’s Mass Tsang provide you with detailed info on assault charges in Ontario, with guidance on potential penalties, the arrest process, and the importance of experienced legal advice.

Key Takeaways

  • Ontario Police Reports (2023):
    • Over 60,000 simple assaults , 23,674 assaults with a weapon or causing bodily harm, and 1,091 aggravated assaults reported.
    • Resulted in 25,275 simple assault, 15,147 weapon/bodily harm, and 1,052aggravated assault charges.
  • Ontario courts processed 36,636 simple assault cases and 23,573 major assault cases in 2023, resulting in a respective 9,668 and 5,013 convictions.
  • Conviction Rates:
    • 9,668 convictions for simple assault and 5,013 convictions for major assaults in Ontario courts in 2023.
  • Types of Assault:
    • Simple, with a weapon or causing bodily harm, aggravated, sexual, and domestic assault.
  • Penalties Vary:
    • Fines to up to 14 years in prison, depending on severity and circumstances.
  • Domestic and Sexual Assaults:
    • Considered aggravating factors with harsher sentencing guidelines.
  • Legal Defence is Key:
    • Skilled lawyers like those at Mass Tsang LLP can help secure reduced or dropped charges.

What Happens When Ontario Police Charge You with Assault?

If Ontario Police arrest you on assault charges, they will inform you of your rights, which include the rights to remain silent and to retain legal counsel. We highly recommend not discussing the alleged offence with police until you have spoken to a competent criminal defence lawyer.

Police will transport you to the police station for processing, which includes, at a minimum, collection of your personal information. With higher-tier assault charges, police will also photograph you and take fingerprints. Based on the severity of the assault, aggravating factors, and previous arrests, police will either release you from custody on your own recognizance (signing a form promising to appear in court) or detain you. If initially detained, the courts will hold a bail hearing to determine if pretrial detention is warranted or determine the conditions you’ll need to follow for pretrial release. An experienced bail hearing lawyer can help you navigate the complexities of Ontario’s Judicial Interim Release process.


Once you are arrested, police will inform you of your Charter rights, including your right to remain silent and to consult legal counsel. Never discuss your case with police until you’ve spoken with a lawyer.

Police will then process your arrest. For serious charges, this includes:

  • Fingerprinting
  • Mugshots
  • Detention and a bail hearing
An experienced bail hearing lawyer can make a critical difference in securing your release quickly and with minimal restrictions,” says Jeff Mass, managing partner at Mass Tsang LLP .
Step After Arrest What It Involves
Rights Notification Charter rights, including legal counsel access
Police Processing Personal info, fingerprints, mugshots
Bail Hearing (if applicable) Court decides pretrial release conditions or custody

Explore Further

How to Beat an Assault Charge in Canada

Can the Victim Get Assault Charged Dropped in Canada?

How to Get Domestic Assault Charges Dropped in Ontario

What is Aggravated Assault?


Types of Assault

Section 265 (1) of the Criminal Code defines assault as the intentional application of direct or indirect force against another person without their consent. Commonly referred to as “basic” or “simple” assault, charges for this offence typically arise from physical altercations. The Code further defines basic assault under two other parameters:

  • By act or gesture, attempting or threatening to apply force to another person, provided the person has reasonable grounds to believe the offender could carry out the act.
  • Accosting or impeding another person while openly wearing or carrying a weapon or an imitation one.

Assault with a weapon or causing bodily harm is defined by Section 267 of the Code as committing a Section 265 (1) assault:

  • While carrying, using, or threatening to use a weapon, real or imitation.
  • That causes bodily harm to the victim.
  • That involves choking, suffocating, or strangling the victim.

Aggravated assault is the most serious level of assault and is defined by Section 268 of the Code as wounding, maiming, disfiguring, or endangering the life of the victim.

These 3 types of assault are charged as sexual assaults Under Sections 271-273 of the Code if the assault was deemed to have been committed for a sexual purpose. As previously noted, sexual assault convictions carry harsher punishments than standard assaults. Higher-tier sexual assaults and those involving victims under age 16 carry mandatory minimum prison sentences. Most convicted offenders also face mandatory registration on the National Sex Offender Registry.

What happens if you’re charged with assault in Ontario?

If you’re charged with assault in Ontario, you may face arrest, processing, possible detention, and a court hearing. Outcomes vary depending on the severity of the charge, but penalties can include fines, jail time, probation, or even dismissal of charges. A skilled criminal defence lawyer can help reduce or eliminate these consequences.

While not referenced by the Criminal Code, “domestic” assault is implicitly recognized and addressed by police and the courts, who take a zero-tolerance approach to assaults of a domestic nature. Those arrested for domestic assault typically face a bigger hurdle for gaining pretrial release, no-contact orders, and harsher punishment than non-domestic assault if convicted.


Section 265 of Canada’s Criminal Code defines assault as any intentional application of force, direct or indirect, without consent. The law also recognizes other forms of assault based on circumstances and severity.

Assault Type Maximum Penalty
Simple Assault 5 years (indictable), 6 months + $5,000 fine (summary)
With Weapon or Causing Bodily Harm 10 years (indictable), 2 years (summary) + fines
Aggravated Assault 14 years imprisonment (indictable only)
Jeff Mass explains, “Even in serious assault cases, effective defence strategies can reduce penalties or even prevent convictions altogether.”

Potential Assault Case Outcomes

Just because you’ve been charged with assault does not mean you will be convicted or face harsh penalties. “Skilled criminal defence lawyers are adept at challenging assault charges,” says Robbie Tsang , managing partner of the Greater Toronto Area’s Mass Tsang. “Our experience, knowledge of the law, and intimacy with the court system helps us strategize defensive solutions to steer clients toward the best outcome possible.”

“In many of our assault cases, our defence work leads to dropped charges, reduced charges, suspended sentences, or other favourable outcomes,” adds managing partner Jeff Mass . “Even when the Crown is vigorously prosecuting higher-tier assault cases, we never consider a conviction or severe punishment as a given.”

Potential outcomes in Greater Toronto Area assault cases include:

  • Dropped charges
  • Withdrawn charges
  • Reduced charges
  • Pretrial diversion
  • Suspended sentence
  • Absolute or conditional discharge
  • Conviction


Being charged doesn't mean you'll be convicted. An experienced criminal defence team can help explore various pretrial options and strategic defences.

Potential Outcome Explanation
Dropped or Withdrawn Charges Lack of evidence or issues with police procedure
Reduced Charges Negotiated pleas to lesser offences (e.g., mischief or disturbance)
Pretrial Diversion Alternative programs to avoid formal prosecution
Conditional/Absolute Discharge Found guilty but no criminal record imposed
Suspended Sentence Conviction without immediate jail time, but with probation
Conviction Full penalties apply
We’ve helped clients avoid jail time, reduce charges, and even clear their names altogether,” says Robbie Tsang . “Each case deserves a custom strategy, and that’s what our team delivers.”

Assault Charges in Domestic and Sexual Contexts

While the Criminal Code does not list “domestic assault” separately, courts treat it more severely. It often results in:

  • More difficult bail conditions
  • Mandatory no-contact orders
  • Harsher sentencing outcomes

Sexual assaults, particularly those involving minors, carry:

  • Mandatory minimum prison terms
  • National Sex Offender Registry requirements
Assault Category Additional Legal Consequences
Domestic Assault Treated as aggravating factor; typically stricter bail/sentencing
Sexual Assault Includes registry, mandatory sentences, social stigma

How a Skilled Lawyer Makes a Difference

The right lawyer can challenge the Crown’s evidence, expose procedural errors, negotiate lesser charges, and present mitigating factors that reduce sentencing severity.

Legal Defence Strategies Impact
Challenge police evidence Can lead to dropped/dismissed charges
Highlight Charter violations May result in evidence exclusion or case dismissal
Present mitigating factors Helps reduce sentence or secure alternative resolution
Negotiate with Crown Favorable plea deals or diversion programs
Our legal strategies are tailored to each client — there’s no one-size-fits-all defence,” says Jeff Mass .

Secure an Effective Assault Defence in the GTA with Mass Tsang

If police have charged you with assault in the Greater Toronto Area, don’t try to fight the charges on your own. Instead, secure the criminal law knowledge and defence skills of an experienced criminal defence lawyer like those at Mass Tsang. Our dedicated legal team has developed an outstanding record of successful criminal defence for 1,000s of Greater Toronto Area clients fighting assault charges. To learn more about our expertise, contact us today.

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