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Drinking and Driving


What is the “Warn Range” for Impaired Driving in Ontario?

If Canadian police catch you driving with a BAC level exceeding 0.08%, they can charge you with criminal DUI. However, what happens if police pull you over after you’ve had a few dr…


Can I Get a DUI for Sleeping Drunk in My Car?


What Does “BAC” Stand For?


Can You Be Charged with DUI on an Electric Scooter?


What Happens to Repeat DUI Offenders in Ontario?

Most people would agree that penalties for driving under the influence (DUI) of alcohol or drugs in Ontario are severe and assume that the even harsher penalties for repeat DUI offe…


How to Beat DUI Charges in Ontario

When people charged with drinking and driving (D&D) offences in Ontario contact our Toronto-area law offices for help, their first questions typically revolve around whether the cha…


Understanding the Over 80 Rule and Impaired Driving in Ontario


How a DUI Can Destroy Your Career

When you receive a DUI - the consequences go can far beyond possible jail time if you do not seek out skilled DUI Lawyers to fight your case. In recent news, a major story that h…


I Blew Over the Legal Limit. Can I Still Fight a Drinking and Driving Charge/ DUI Charge?

If you are pleading guilty to a drinking and driving charge, it’s important to understand the penalties you face. The DUI charges Burlington residents are often dealing with can be …


Can a DUI Restrict Me From Crossing the Border?


Can You Really Get a DUI for Riding Your Bike While Intoxicated?
